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Summer 2025 Research Experiences for Undergraduates

With the goal of connecting great students with exceptional opportunities, we are independently providing this broad, national, community-sourced directory for everyone to use. This resource helps students find opportunities that fit their identities and schedules. 

We encourage you to share and circulate the link to your students for this community sourced directory.  This is a best-effort by the Department of Earth, Environmental & Planetary Sciences  at Northwestern University.

here is the summer 2025 directory

The v06 of the Summer 2025 Directory was posted on March 11, with 237 entries and climbing fast!

You can view it online at -NU-Directory_REU_Summer2025_LIVE

Come back ~weekly if you are a student searching for a summer research programs.  The versions will increment quickly, as more programs submit information every day. 

You are able to sort the directory using the column-sort-functions.  This will help you find programs with earlier or later start dates.  Or, you may need a type of accessibility.  Note that there are columns for citizenship requirements, so that US / international / DACA students can find suitable programs.  There is also a column on the total number of students who will be selected for each program. 

1.  Open the spreadsheet - latest version listed above
2.  Click on row 2 - and highlight the entire row
3.  Select “filter views” icon, located next to the print icon
4.  Select “create new temporary filter view”


ADD all your summer programs!  - or Send Updates

If you are a program leader and would like your information added to the directory, please fill out our  survey 

All Summer programs are welcome, irrespective of duration, format, funding source.  There are a  growing number of 1-3 week workshops or bootcamps that may fit some students' needs better than the full 8-9-10 week long summer programs.

If you have updates or corrections after your submission, please email or 

Previous Directories